cheap, skimpy, or without substance, usually used when referring to drugs.
"This is a froggy-ass line"

"Dont be so froggy with that bowl"

"Look at this froggy bag"
by thr1llseek3r February 9, 2010
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Aw he feeling froggy.

Bruh why you being froggy
by Kitty66 October 25, 2018
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When one farts while sitting and jumps up a little (or alot)
damn that was a hella big froggy!
by Patrick February 4, 2005
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A secret agent with a twist: He's a frog. His main disguise is that of Big the Cat's best friend.
Big: Hey Froggy, what you doing?
Froggy: Constructing a missile defence system.
Big: ...I'm just going fishing...
Froggy: You do that.
by Dr. Robotnik May 12, 2005
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resembling or suggestive of fog.
It sure was froggy out this October morning.
by Amrit Dhariwal October 31, 2004
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You call people froggy who always wear green clothes. Especially when they're attracted to frogs.
A : "Did you see her new shirt?"
B : "Yeah, it's damn froggy!"
by ChilliVanilli August 18, 2009
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