1)The philosophy held by douchebags, holding that no one other than themselves (or perhaps their close associates) matters in the least bit, and thus that other human beings can and should be treated like complete excrement for little or no reason (and often for selfish reasons). Closely related to fascism, which has been practiced by control freaks such as Adolf Hitler.
2)The act of putting this philosophy into practice.
I dont get paid enough to put up with Kevin's douchebaggery at work....
by brettmacgyver March 24, 2009
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idiotic actions and/or thinking. See douchebag.
Your stupid behavior and ignorant, racist rants lead me to believe that your douchebaggery knows no bounds.
by RaTBoyfan December 22, 2008
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The act of being up to no good, usually in a douchebag kind of way.
Dude, he is up to so much Douchebaggery.
by Dog Fijs February 8, 2010
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A noun that describes someone as being a douche bag. Rather than simply calling someone a douche bag, this word allows for a description of the way and level in which they are one.

See also douchebagurelle
The level of douchebaggery that you have reached is unbelievable.

Did you see the disgusting douchebaggery that that guy was pulling at the party?
by Dictionarial August 17, 2009
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A bar where jocks, fratboys, preppies, wiggers, and the girls that love them congregate. Usually very crowded with obnoxious loud hiphop/r&b/poptronica/reggae/reggaeton/contemporary top40 music permeating everything. Airheaded girls can be seen dancing on the bartop impeding the purchase of alcohol from honest patrons, while slackjawed submorons who havent completed their evolutionary cycle drool over said bartop dancers. Bar fights are a common occurrence, and they are usually begun over something totally insignificant. Flatscreen televisions showing all manner of sporting events cover the walls like a fresh (and garishly unsightly) coat of paint.
I tried meeting up with those guys, but they were all the way in the back of the bar and i couldnt get near the counter for a beer because all the guys were hooting and hollering over these two stupid chicks standing on the bar grinding each other; it was a total douchebaggery.
by Xwraith April 29, 2009
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The perfected art of being a douche bag.
Once it's clear he's adept at douchebaggery, I head for the hills.
by StarShineSpeaks October 19, 2012
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An event or act performed by a douchebag. This event or act will negatively impact a particular situation, can involve multiple douchebags, and take the acts of non-douchebags but collectively result in a douchebag situation. An act of douchebaggery will likely result in the creation of a new douchism for describing such act. Example:
As the meeting drew to a close, the various dignitaries could not resist the opportunity to provide closing comments. As these comments drug on and extended the meeting, each person who spoke tried to be more dignified than those previous. The resulting unprepared speeches contained douchalogies and went from an otherwise typical meeting towards a collective douchievement thanks to all of the douchebaggery.
by Johnny Umuzungu September 13, 2013
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