A verb used to describe drinking coffee.

Variations of the word: need some coffeing done, coffeed.
Samantha: What were you up to yesterday evening? I called you, like, 50 times at 6 pm?
Aaron: Take a chill pill, Sam. I was just coffeeing and listening to music.
by glitterglamsparkles September 22, 2016
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A term to replace the word sex. A way to keep the conversation PG with everyone thinking you mean coffee, but you really don't.
Guy 1: Dude, that girl is really hot!

Guy 2: Man I'd love to have coffee with her.
by coffee-grinder October 8, 2010
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kaw-fee-fool, kof-ee-fool, Adj.

1. To be full on coffee and have no further appetite.
2. To be restless or hyper due to drinking caffeinated coffee in excess.
I ordered a bagel but got coffeeful and now don't want it.

Drinking coffee at 2AM has made me so coffeeful that I think I will go for a run.
by Wordasaurus Text March 3, 2013
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i need my morning coffee or i will set something on fire
by qqqqqueer November 2, 2018
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The black juice that keeps mankind running.
Man, I need my coffee to get through the day.
by Fetxch March 16, 2020
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Nectar of the Gods. Coffee is a magical drink made of nothing more then a great-smelling bean and water, then heated to bring out the flavor. Coffee is like a great-tasting energy drink that is actually completely healthy for you! It has amazing health benefits such as; Lowering the risk of Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, Colon Cancer, Headaches, and risk of Cavities! Plus it's addictive! I CAN'T STOP SHAKING!!! At least Coffee addiction is better then Meth addiction!
Man: Dude, why are you shaking so much?

Dude: Coffee, Man! COFFEE!
by Splek February 17, 2009
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