The fucking greatest music ever;
no; doesnt include motley crue guns n roses
or whatever;
they're glam; just rock and...other awesome shit.
but still awesome.
fuck yes. :D
Led Zeppelin
You know.
(those are classic rock; and ofcourse theres others!)
by Pyro Mania 8] May 20, 2008
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good music basically the beginning of pushing the limit
real gangsta get your shit right ever heard of chuck berry or the blues thats what rock came from you douche lots of things in zepplin are blues influenced open your eyes every thing in rap is generated by someone else that cut and crap they need to learn to lay a real instrument yeah some are good but you sound like a misinformed idiot that thinks whoever gets the most show time is really a better artist no its because there generic oh yeah another thing Hendrix. and they don't all scream most actually sing unlike some rapping
oh stairway to heaven bitch white rabbit or walk this way sort of or paranoid iron man or wild thing sunshine of your love or cocaine or Johnny B. Good guitar is real takes real skill we all know what sounds good how hard is it to do that with a program try a guitar or drums bass harmonica something real puto and they had analog stuff back then not digital
learn your shit before you start talking led Zepplin ac/dc, sabbath cream Chuck Berry all great classic rock types its not a genre its an era so system of a down great band Metallica i say semi classic not been remember learn your shit
by the almost smart one April 17, 2008
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A sub-genre of Rock & Roll. Classic Rock is roudy and sexual enough to be Rock & Roll, yet retains much blues inluence and song structure. (Rock was pretty much created from Blues.)
Classic rock was popular throughout the '60s and '70s and then mostly dissappeared in the '80s; replaced with Hair Metal, for some reason which I've yet to understand, as Hair Metal is simply awful.

All of Rock's best guitarists are Classic Rockers. (Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana, Jimmy Page, Stevie Ray Vaughan, David Gilmour, etc. etc.)
I used to listen to the stuff you hear on the radio, but my dad introduced me to some awesome old Classic Rock bands.
by spantheman July 21, 2008
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classic rock is a genera of music from 1950's to 1970's. it is NOT gay 80's hair bands with stupid followers who dont even know a single alblum by their band of choice. my favorite band is Pink Flyod for their trulely revolutionary sounds. im 13 and like clasic rock cus every song is diferent & not about sex,drugs(rapers just sing about drtgs, & dont do them), and cutting in every song. also their is enough good clasic rock 2 have 1500+ songs on my iPod (not obsessed w/ vinyl).
note: i wrote this on my PSP so excuse spelling...
and gangsta dude...ur what i call an idiot
black guy- rap owns classic rock
me- eirik(yes its EIRIK) ur an oreo! his mom is white
by trottingtree August 12, 2006
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"Don't EVER think that Metallica, Quiet Riot, etc. can be described as classic rock. THAT'S OLD-SCHOOL METAL, YOU ASSHOLES!"
by rock n roll retro July 28, 2009
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Classic Rock...
Everything that is pure and holy in music
Vocals that has a meaning

Guitar solos that adds a purpose to the song
Out of this world drum's that gives a sense to the song
Groovy bass groves that gives a song a personality.
Every Classic Rock song has a meaning to it, it's own soul, even life.
Really the ONLY music that will still be around when im walking the stairway to heaven.
Classic Rock. Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Beatles, ELP, ELO, Buffalo Springfield, CSN&Y, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Jefferson Airplane. And so many more
by Thecaddilacman November 29, 2009
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The best Genre of Music alive. Also with the best Bands. Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, ZZ Top. This list can go on for hours.
Guy who likes rap: yo did you hear lil' waynes new song lick the lolipop.

Me: what the fuck is lick the lolipop what were you watching MTV.

Guy who likes rap: nah man on dah radio. Dont you listen to rap?

me: rap is for retards with no life. Retards Attempting Poetry. add a C asshole. why dont you go to the music store by a nice Led Zeppelin album and tell me what sounds better. It's Called Classic Rock

Guy who likes Rsp: who the fuck is Led zeppelin. does a zeppelin rap good Beats?

Me: please go fuck yourself dumbass. if it werent for Led zeppelin there wouldnt be a rap you jackass. go kill yourself

Guy who likes rap: fuck you, bitch no one likes that shit

Me: yea fuck off dick.

by Classic Rock for life September 18, 2008
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