Bella is a very beautiful girl but denies it.
She will make your life 1,000,000X better and will always do her best to be funny but is helpful when you are feeling down.
Never let go of your friendship or you will regret it and be depressed
Guy1: Omg i like my best friend bella
Guy2: Ask her out you know she'll probably ay yes
by I <3 bella too much February 26, 2019
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Is a beautiful brunette and probably has really nice eyes. She is so nice to everyone she meets. Except if you do something to her she will most likely beat you up. She usually sticks with her solid group of friends and will do anything for them. She's a guy magnet, but won't go for any of them. She would most likely want to go on vacation in tropical places. She hates scary movies and she gets her funny personality from her dad. She's usually the youngest of the family.
Dude 1: Look at that chick over there!
Dude 2: Dude you have no chance with Bella, her brother's scary.
by JswizzleEswizzle January 12, 2017
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A extremely important, sexy af, caring, protective, passionate, curious, interesting, frendliy, wise, smart and practically perfect in every way she the kind of person that people look at and want to date her or be her
Bella means beautiful witch is one reason she is perfect
by The best person you want to be February 28, 2017
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She's the most beautiful girl you will ever see. Every feature that she posseses is engraved in your mind from the second you lay eyes on her. Bella is not limited to just physical features, her personality is equally as beautiful.

You wonder how it is that a person this extraordinary can exist, but find yourself just appreciating the fact that she exists, and even better yet, that you know her.
Ethan:hey there comes Bella

Zach :oh she so fine👌
by Hector Rodriguez January 21, 2017
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Nice and kind but can use you for a greater good. Can be mean but she is just sensitive and emotional. She needs tender love care.
You would be lucky to have a friend like her. She likes her food and could be said as "chunky" but it just adds to her great personality
"She is a bella, beautiful in her own way"
by mylife February 24, 2015
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There are not enough word in this world to describe a bella they are perfect in every way
by The best person you want to be February 28, 2017
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nicest girl ever who is kinda salty and savage but fun to be around.
Guy: Hey should i ask Bella out?
Guy #2: just be prepared to get ditched by her. She a thot, fam
Guy # 1: she isn't tho
by SwegMester June 27, 2015
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