Used to indicate one’s refusal to feel sorry for someone’s misfortune.
I could perhaps feel for the parents after their daughter died, but given how she bullied me and they likely encouraged it, I say fuck ‘em.
by Dr. Steppon-Legho January 2, 2022
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A poor method of recovery when someone highlights your mistake in a sentence.
Person A: "I swear I was born in the wrong century!"
Person B: "You mean 'decade'."
Person A: " what I meant to say!"
by who_dares_wins May 29, 2011
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1. A common phrase used by the intelligent gamer/coder/scholar on the internet or with friends to say the equivalent of "duh" from the early 90's.
2. An expression used after a chum has made a rather obious remark.
-Wait George Bush Jr. is an idiot?
-Lest I say drr!
by Dave Guarino September 23, 2002
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A phrase that literally means "I am a hypocrite, but you should still obey me." It is commonly used to mock someone (usually a politician, but can actually be anyone) displaying utter hypocrisy of any kind.
California Governor Gavin Newsom tries to mandate masks in the state. Later, he was seen sitting at a restaurant table with eleven people. Every single one of those eleven people -- Newsom included -- was NOT wearing a mask.

"Do as I say, not as I do" he said, effectively sweeping it under the rug.
by Someone who kinda exists December 5, 2020
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Said by one when someone else tells them something that sounds hard to believe but isn't true anyway or the other peson misunderstood
Spack No.5: I worked at a pizza place but I quit because of my manager

Spack No.2: I work at Papa John's, don't suppose you worked there?

Spack No.5: No it was Marco's pizza

Spack No.2: Oh shit, I was about to say!
by Jack Spank9049 August 8, 2022
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An expression used to call out hypocrites, including "environmentalists" with private jets, politicians who send their children to private schools while opposing measures to give other kids the same chance, or those who accuse others of racism while not hiring minorities.

Also the name of a 2005 book by Peter Schweizer, subtitled "Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy."
Hillary Clinton is basicallly proof of Do As I Say Not As I Do.
by StoogeWatcher July 29, 2010
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1. A phrase used at the end of a fragmented sentence; Usually as a threat or warning. Mostly used by blacks and ghetto whites.

also see: 'i wuz 'bout ta say'

2. A polite phrase to use after a motormouth has interrupted your statement once again.
1. Girl, I thought you called me ugly, I was about to say...

b. What he lookin at? Oh, he's blind? I was about to say...

c. Shoot, that man came up to me with that bullcrap like I wanted him. I was about to say...

d. Oooh, you got them new Jordans? Oh, no that's straight bootleg. I was about to say...

2. As I was about to say, children are severely affected by their single parents dating patterns.

b. I was about to say that I would give you half of the million, but since I now know you think I'm a greedy, selfish bitch, you can fuck the hell off... and take the kids.
by john August 24, 2004
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