1. When an acquaintance has too much of the wrong stuff at a party and is dumped at the front door of the emergency room

2. The vehicle used to perform said action
"Marty passed out from all the coke so they gave him the ghetto ambulance."
by VacuumVendor December 15, 2020
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the 95% of lawyers that give the others a bad name
She's an ambulance chaser with the law firm of Chasem,Screwm & Craponem
by Jake February 29, 2004
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Someone who lies for a living and coaches others to lie as well. Usually the type of person who convinces an accident victim to exaggerate or altogether make up their injures in order to get maximum dollars. Fake arms casts! Usually can be seen cavorting with equally unethical doctors who help them. Ambulance chasers are usually sociopaths who don't care who they hurt or how many lives they destroy; they will do anything for a buck.
Gee, Satan and that ambulance chaser are one in the same.
by Barphid July 3, 2017
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Notorious punk/ska band from the Portadown and Lurgan areas of Northern Ireland. Known for playing random gigs and getting horribly drunk in the process.
"I went to a Jonny is an Ambulance gig last night. Those guys were ballbagged!"
by JISA FAN June 17, 2009
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Member of the legal profession; someone who assists accident victims in getting compensation for avoidable or, more usually, unavoidable reasons (IE being compensated for tripping over a loose floor tile). Also used to describe anyone who profits from others' misfortune.
"That ambulance-chaser tried to get my aunt to sign a contract after her accident. She was still in her hospital bed!"
by Wings_SWmud September 23, 2003
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A civil lawyer who advertises
on tv:"I'm Frank D. Azar, attorney at law. Have you been injured in an automobile accident? You may be entitled to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Call me, I can help."
by Pure Moonburn September 22, 2003
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When your homie is stumbling around eating bananas after sixty nine shots of tequila
Dude 1: Yo man what’s up with Random?
Dude 2: Oh he’s just doing The Ambulating Monkey.
by Pweaw July 7, 2021
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