Of English Origin. Contrary to some other definitions, The Meaning of Wyatt: Guide. Wide. Wood. Respectable. One of Honor. Wisdom Beyond Years.

Notable others: Wyatt Earp.

Wyatt Brewer
The lady had given birth to a beautiful boy, she had waited a very long time for. She named him , Wyatt.
by Wyatt'sMommy April 3, 2016
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He is the Type of guy you need to check on, because he's cutting his wrists and hiding the pain with a smile, so if you meet a Wyatt He is depressed, Antisocial, Fake Smiles all the time, He says he's ok when he is having a Panic Attack.

BROKEN Ok is in the word BROKEN.
by IdontKareAbotU March 11, 2020
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A boy name
An Amazing boy who has a really hot girlfriend who is AMAZING! He is really cute, but can ignore you, really popular, an amazing guy overall
by TheShiiiiiitttttt:] May 29, 2009
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A llama and and a unicorn what would that be a llamacorn
by Wormzville April 29, 2019
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a beastly kid in ms wilsons second period
that kid is so cool, he is a wyatt
by Bobdude102 October 27, 2008
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A name. (Mine, actually)

Defined as "Little Warrior"
by Mavy February 14, 2005
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A screaming sexual panther waiting to leap on to a feast of pussy deer. Commanley attracted to Hot blondes.. Amazing kisser. usally tall hittin on short hot chicks. ruins realationships but makes it the best one a girl will ever have.. also known as sex dynamite(large) god of the chicas (hot, fine, sexy, player, chick magnet)
Girl:that guy totally pulled a wyatt on me i loved it.

Guy: fuck off
by bearclaw226 December 14, 2010
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