Aussie slang - to receive a headjob/blowjob.
That dirty trollop gave me a wingnut overhang last night.
by Josh Wicks January 15, 2007
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Someone who completely follows the text of their religion and bugs people about it on the Internet.

1. Caiden Cowger
2. Apologetics

3. Megasage
4. Etc.
by Computergeek14 January 2, 2015
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a wing man that feels lonely and will pay anybody to keep him company
the WINGNUT paid his hooker in advance to go to dinner and spend the night.

The WINGNUT was visiting he/she websites because he got stood up by his hooker and is in the middle of a divorce.

the WINGNUT promised to invest in the waiter's restaurant venture so he could hang out with him and the hooker he is in love with

by mumfucker June 14, 2008
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disgusting wings and fries that you only order when you're really high, really drunk, a mixture of both, or when nothing else is open
"ello wingnuts?"
(sigh) "I'll take a midnight special"
by my ex wife April 28, 2008
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Popularized by the blog Sadly, No, the term "Wingnut Welfare Queen" refers not to a poor person, but to a low-talent, self-appointed pundit of the right, male or female, of the type who have become prominent in large patches of media, Washington D.C. think tanks and the Republican Party, and who depend on some mix of right-wing money, praise or contacts to boost and further their careers. Putting the "wingnut" in Wingnut Welfare Queen means the media figure will be not just predictably or reliably conservative or ultra-conservative, but doggedly and irrationally so.

Many Wingnut Welfare Queens style themselves "Populists"; nonetheless, some some appear to take relish in the abrasiveness and ad hominem quality of their attacks on individuals they perceive as not necessarily contrary in ideology, but lacking in fervor.

A Wingnut Welfare Queen's natural adversaries inhabit the best-recompensed strata of left-wing academia and the leftmost edge of the Democratic Party, with some holdouts on the op-ed pages of liberal metropolitan daily newspapers; they are the upper-tier of the class called Poverty Pimp (q.v.), code-word "Progressive."
"What I dislike most of all is not her meretriciousness or meanness, but the way she acts as though she were God's Gift to American politics."


"Yep. Follow her career and you'll see how a gossipy media princess with a right-wing tilt became a full-blown wingnut welfare queen."

by al-in-chgo July 4, 2010
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Somebody who is a complete random bag of shite. They really will say/do anything possible to confuse everyone in the vacinity.
"You're a wingnut melter, love!"
"He's a fuckin' melter"
by Joe Monk December 5, 2004
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Someone with only one wing that goes around in circles doing the same thing. Characterized by turning ones back to screw people in place of the same wingnut condition.
From hamster wheel programs to the houseless community, much of this society creates wingnuts.
by YackittyyackDonttalkback November 25, 2022
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