He is so cute and nice probably Irish and bound to end up with a blonde m maybe named macey rumors had it
Did you see Conor and macey CASEY how cuteeee
by Eowiwowowwokekeoe February 9, 2019
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Conor is a type of person who never gives up. Other people are jealous of Conor but they hide it by bullying him. Conor is very caring, loving and deserves the best.
Conor can be so annoying, but he is civil
by Mybigcockrell July 21, 2019
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The act of verbally tearing someone a new arse without remorse, pause or tact. Often done after the consumption of several glasses of red and preferably on a conference call
Wow he gave that guy a good conoring
by Celticswinger October 20, 2015
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Conor, you've been a bad boy.
by ICryWhenIPee June 14, 2017
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the act of misspelling something so bad there's just no excuse
someone pulling a conor is either a massive intellectual or an absolute dumbass
Person 1: epjzes
Person 2: ewww did you just pull a conor?
Person 3: bro did he do a conor-
Person 4: yep- he did a conor
by super101 January 19, 2021
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Conors tend to be amazing people who are so cute it will make you just want to give them all your love right on the spot.
They can be very stubborn at times and might not want to accept the fact other people find them insanely attractive,Conors are some of the most fun people to be around and you can just find yourself relating to them and being happy around them
Person one:who's he?
Person two:how do you not know Conor?
by Human person opinion August 23, 2019
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