lame worthless show that wastes everyones time because once it gets to the top ten everyone gets contracts
Lets just say "rigged"
by 3k racer May 9, 2005
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1. A show dumbing down America's youth or better yet, everyone who watches it.

2. A show searching for America's new "sensational singing idol." The contestants there have no edge, they are controlled by the stupid American Idol scene and plus, they can't even sing and even if they do have a talent, they would perform shitty songs.

3. The show has great ratings but it's just filled with a bunch of low-life losers seeking money from this terrible piece of sweaty turd they call a show.
1. This is what happend to George Bush, he watched American Idol too much and look at the result.

Contestant #482: If joo wadda bee wit meeh, uhh... bleh?
Simon: That was tewible.

3. Only preps watch fucking American Idol.
by Pissed Off†Liberal Jerk Off February 6, 2005
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A definition that europeans use on urbandictionary to insult the united states, failing to realise the guy who owns the damn show is european.
Englishman "American idol sucks"

American "Why don't you watch the teletubbies you fag"
by Caption America May 27, 2005
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Holding a call-in vote as we speak, to decide whether or not this show will stay on the air! Call in and be heard!
Call toll-free 1-888-USA-IDOL
To keep the show on the air, press 1.
To keep the show on the air, press 2.

BAH fuck it all we don't have a say in this. damned corporate ninnies.
by Adrian June 27, 2003
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Show that used to be good but then began to suck at the middle of the 2nd season. The only reason i watch...some of those bitches CANT SING A NOTE!
person 2: I dont know, but his career has lasted longer than the winners careers have!
by Ka August 18, 2004
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a giant talent competition, which no one should have any reason to hate.
watch american idol on fox!
by truffles September 20, 2005
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