To cheat on a loved one without really meaning to/wanting to.
No way, I totally did a Snape last night.
by Stilli April 6, 2009
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The unpleasant, greasy-headed potions professor from the Harry Potter series. He is a major douche to Harry, mainly because he was madly in love with Harry's mother, but due to his own screw-up, she wound up hating him, loving his enemy, having a child with his enemy, then dying.

Basically, Snape is cranky because of his lack of a sex life, and Harry is a living reminder of the fact that his enemy had a sex life and he did not.
Snape-"Detention, Potter! And a hundred fifty thousand points from Gryffindor!"

Harry-"You know what? You're jealous of my dead father, you so rarely see the sun that your skin gives off its own glow, and you clearly haven't showered in a decade, because I could literally wring a gallon of oil out of your hair. I honestly can't think of anything more pathetic."
by 123squanto February 16, 2011
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When someone becomes super petty and dickish after being rejected
lily: he totally snaped out on me after I rejected him.
by Genuinelyhatesnape August 23, 2017
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A phrase used by Studio C when Severus Snape and Voldemort have a heated argument ending with Voldemort saying to Snape "You've just been snaped!"and Severus says "Oh Snape! ". Harry Potter fans will find this a fun phrase to use.
"Oh Snape! "

"You just got snapped! "
"Snape it!"
by Solvieg May 3, 2018
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An interjection used and preceded by "oh". Usually used after an offensive point has been made.
Oh Snape son, that fool just offended yo ass.

Snape, that was totally off the chain my homie.
by danklewankle May 27, 2007
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