A girl who is stunning, gorgeous, and cute all at the same time, lulling men into a state of deep attraction, even with their denial.
Sydney: I'm not Sexy.....
Sean: You are the sexiest girl in the world.
by Joe Wallace November 13, 2006
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Something that NEVER left, no matter what anyone (justin timberass) says. Its still here. And you know what. Its not leaving. So get use to it okay?
"Im bringing sexy back"

uhmmm no your not.
by agent 001 December 16, 2006
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A definition page in urbandictionary where ugly, narcissistic, conceited whores upload disgusting angle shots of themselves.
You are not sexy, you are a conceited whore.
by Kaaaaaaaaaaatie June 21, 2007
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1. An intangible attribute. You need not be model thin nor movie star gorgeous to be sexy. Sexy is the whole package, including that "certain something" that you can't quite put your finger on. Sexy may include the persons attitude, voice, attire and body language.

2. An unfortunate use of the word that certain rap thugs like to use to describe their "aura" and the vibe of their parties.
1. Ellen might be packing on a few extra pounds, but she is way sexy. Just the way she walks and carries herself is enough to make me bust a nut!

2. Do not disturb the SEXY! (P.Diddy)
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An adjective to describe a person you think is really attractive and want to have a physical relationship with.
But it mostly depends on perspective. Someone may think a person is sexy while the person next to them totally disagrees.
Bianca: Oh my God, did you see him? He is SO sexy!
Dana: Uh! Are you kidding me? I thought he was hideous!
Sarah: Yeah, he wasn't that cute...
by Karen Lynn August 15, 2008
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Adjective that describes a person who looks, moves or acts in a way that you find attractive. But not just attractive, like cool and cute at the same time.
"His hair makes him look so sexy!"
by Ginda May 14, 2005
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The sudden feeling of hunger after having intense sex or any other sexual activity.
Dude, last night after my girl and I banged each others brains out, we had the sexies so we went and bought a pizza.
by Rennoc February 26, 2010
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