A term used to describe someone who is not completely straight nor bisexual. To put it simply, you have sexual attraction to both genders but want a romantic relationship with only one.
Isaac: What's your sexuality?
Ethan: Semibisexual.
Isaac: Isn't that just straight?
Ethan: It means you'll fuck both genders but only have a relationship with one.
Isaac: ...
by Zebruh December 20, 2020
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An idiot who thinks he/she/zer/liberal is special.

Jane: Yo fam, I'm spicy wit da cool whip gender norm fam.

Josh: Good for you, what is your "cool whip gender" fam?

Jane: Yo is the SEMIBISEXUAL!

Josh: Good for you.

Your "friend" came out as a moron/semibisexual
by The-Bigot-Fam October 1, 2022
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An useless word that's meaning is literally straight or gay but with extra steps.
Emma: omggg!!! i came out as semibisexual, im attracted to guys.
Jake: So that means your straight but with extra steps you fucking idiot.
by Yessir1982 September 2, 2022
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A slightly curvier version of straight. Like a 70/30 or a 60/40 instead of a 50/50 preference.
“Damn bro, that guy over there lookin cute af, but that girl over there is lookin CUTER AF”
Person 2: “You semibisexual, bro?”
by curseddefinitionmaker October 13, 2021
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A bisexual that is attracted to both genders with a bigger preference for one gender

No a semibisexual is not a gay man who is closeted and doesn’t want to admit it
Onlyjayus is semibisexual, she is attracted to both men and women with a preference to women.
by PurpleLuke January 7, 2021
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Someone who is attracted to both gender but will only date the opposite gender.
Joe: I think I might have a bit of crush on tom.
Grant: But I thought you're dating Tanya right now? You didn't tell me you were bisexual.
Joe: I'm actually semibisexual. I may have a crush on Tom, but I will still exclusively date women.
by Louis A. September 29, 2020
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Someone who is semibisexual is attracted to both sexes but is especially attracted to a specific one.
Taylor: I heard that you were bisexual.
Joey: I'm actually semibisexual.
Taylor: So do you like men, women, or both?
Joey: Well, I'm attracted to women, but more so towards men.
by GreenTeaMoxie April 26, 2021
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