The act of a co-worker (junk-food socialist) eating a snack that was hidden with great care in the company fridge for later enjoyment.
I was going to eat that last ice cream cone I had stashed until someone committed snack piratism!
by power hooligan October 15, 2010
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1. n. Arch rival of the ninja.
2. n. Devotee of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
1. Pirates are way cooler than ninjas.
2. You must wear full pirate regalia to worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster properly.
by Myc August 18, 2005
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i went on uTorrent to pirate stuff, making me a pirater
by nott mee January 17, 2011
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When a woman is giving you head pull out before ejaculation and blow your load in her eye. Then kick her in the shin. After completing those 2 tasks you have gave a women the pirate.
Dude i gave Kevo's sister the Pirate last night.
by Names_M October 10, 2005
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A promiscuous woman, constantly in search of capturing more semen.
Bob: Wow, that's the fourth guy she's hooked up with this week.
John: I'm not surprised. She's a pirate.
by Thoxis May 21, 2019
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