gigi means dick in some language. it describes someone who is annoying and ugly.
lomski imena gigia bozi viyo.
by lambreda May 6, 2022
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To be a midget and to run around completely naked and fall off golf carts while moving
I was such a gigy when i was younger
by waffles January 23, 2015
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She's the worst type of girl in your class been a asshole
1: That GigI doesnt like boy's or people in general
2: Oh really
1: yes
by NotNameWolfie September 12, 2020
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He is very attractive to girls. They love his hair, and his cock. Girls with either big personalities , boobs or butts are attracted to him. He is a scooter kid
He is a Gigi
by Freza_Mgm_69 June 3, 2019
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Gigi is a nickname given to only the best people in the world. Most commonly, the name is given to a woman whos name starts with a G, but when the name is given to a grandmother by her granddaughter, its given with love and trust beyond comprehension. Gigis are more than just grandmothers, they're best friends, and something to cherish until the end of time.
Person 1: Is that your grandma?
Persom 2: No, thats my Gigi
by Dustys_Spaghett October 21, 2019
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