Lolita is a Japanese street fashion inspired by Rococo and Victorian eras. This fashion is meant to be very modest and innocent looking with frills and lace. Round cupcake shapes skirts and aristocratic like blouses.
Do you know where I can buy lolita fashion?
by Misterskullfaceguy December 11, 2015
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Noun 1: Lolita-the most famous whale and star of the show at the Miami Sea Aquarium
Noun 2: Lolita-a derogatory term used to offend someone who is overweight

1) Mommy, I'm so excited to see Lolita do her flips at the Sea Aquarium!
2) Dang, man! She's so fat, she looks like freakin' Lolita!
by SoNotFatLikeYou May 18, 2007
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Sweet Lolita (or Ama Lolita) is a Japanese fashion type that is characterized by light-colored, modest, cute-appearing dress with a lot of lace and frills. This is typically limited to Japanese teen and young adult women, but rarely guys may adopt this style too. The true sweet Lolita (as contrasted with the Gothic Lolita) tends to favor white or pink base colors with floral embroidery and concentrate on looking as sweet and cute as possible. The fabric used may consist of not just solid colors but floral and fruit prints, resulting in an appearance that is extremely sweet and like Victorian little girls. The character Momoko in Kamikaze Girls (Shimotsuma Monogatari) is an example of someone who is the true sweet Lolita.
Sakura enjoyed modeling her sweet Lolita outfit in her promenade in town.
by eViL pOp TaRt April 11, 2006
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A term used when wringing the other fellas/cunt nugget neck to the point where they pass out
Me: I’m gonna Lolita Lempicka the other fellas neck
Ed:you should just report him to the guards

Me: I guess but he’s just such a cunt nugget though
by MMfangirl February 19, 2020
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A sexual complex similar to that of the Shotaro Complex.

The Lolita Complex describes a sexual attraction to younger girls, usually by adult males. Females may also have it, but they are not as common.

It is named for the title character in the novel by Vladimir Nabokov. The story involved a man who became obssessed with a 12-year-old girl.

The Lolita Complex is often shortened to lolicon.
Those with the Lolita Complex may be attracted to precocious little girls.
by Sarahsuke January 16, 2005
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EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita) and EGA (Elegant Gothic Aristocrat) are terms coined by Mana, previously of the Japanese Visual band Malice Mizer.

Elegant Gothic Lolita refers to the fashion of frilly, ruffled knee-length dresses, and ruffled headbands, and only refers to females.

Elegant Gothic Aristocrat refers to a more subdued, refined dressing, usually consisting of longer dresses or coats, and can refer to both females and males.

There are different kinds of groups of lolitas in Japan, however EGA is rare and the style is usually up to the individual.
Gothic Lolita - Mana (Ex-Malice Mizer), Dada (Ex-Velvet Eden)
by KuroKaze May 18, 2004
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The Lolita Effect is the sexualization of young girls and projecting girls as sex objects before they have even reached puberty and are sexualized beings. It is perpetuated by the media. The title comes from the book Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.
The Lolita effect is a 5 year old wearing padded bras or high heels, items which are used to perpetuate sexuality in adult women.
by thefword.feminism March 24, 2010
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