A pharse used to describe an extra martial afffair that you are hiding but are really out of the country.
The governor of SC was hiking the Appalachian Trail this weekend.
by philipc76 June 25, 2009
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Any cover story a politician or other person of power uses when cheating on that person's spouse.

From the disappearance of Gov. Mark Sanford in 2009.
What happened to the senator this weekend?

He's off hiking the Appalachian Trail *wink*
by Colby B. June 24, 2009
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Euphemism for leaving the governor's mansion, without telling anyone where you're going, and then disappearing for a week while breaking up with your mistress in Argentina.
A: Where's Mark, his security detail and wife are wondering? B: Oh he's out Hiking the Appalachian Trail.
A: I hope he's wearing a condom.
by Schnyper June 24, 2009
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A back up method used by (R) Governors to see ones girlfriend/mistress when you are told "no" with your first choice.
A "plan B" when honesty just screws things up, interferes with the plans.

A getaway that is meant to be "without contact"
"Honey, would you mind if I go to Argentina and screw my girlfriend?"
Her response: "No way are you going to see your little slut!"

"Honey what I meant to say is I need some alone time to fix this marriage I think I'll go {"Hiking the Appalachian trail!"}

"I won't bring my phone so I won't be distracted from my marriage saving thoughts."
by Bison80 June 30, 2009
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Leaving your wife and kids and job to go sex up a hot Argentinean lady
Did you hear about Mark Sanford? He was totally hiking the Appalachian trail for 5 days last week!
by blarney230 June 24, 2009
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Cheating on your wife with some Argentine hussy sexpot.
Gov. Sanders of South Carolina was Hiking the Appalachian Trail on Father's Day instead of hanging out with his family.
by djnonsequitur June 24, 2009
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Euphemism for sticking it in the butt of an Argentinian woman.
Governor Sanford (R) was furiously hiking the Appalachian Trail for several days over Father's Day weekend.
by ZezAzeZ June 24, 2009
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