An Irish slang term used for one who invents words as a past time.
- She's a total mollox!
- What's a mollox?
- I made it up!
- Oh, so you're a Hickey, then?
- Yeh, pretty much!
by Kevosaurus-Rex August 11, 2008
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A disgusting purple mark left after some teenager sucked really hard on his girlfriend or vice-versa. This practice has (unfortunately) become very popular among today's teenagers. Unusually they also consider the topic a taboo, kind of like sex. However, unlike sex(a natural act) this practice is extremely disgusting. I dont see the purpose of it.
I'd rather have a leech suck me than a teeny bopper kid leave a hickey on my neck(or any other part of my body for that matter).
by diana in the mist May 31, 2006
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Incongruous to the traditional defintion of a "love bite," term refers to the adolescent outrage of testosterone in a male,leading to a superhuman self-image associated with an unearned high ego, attributed to red hair and a purple car. This specimen enjoys absurd amounts of fifa, honey barbeque wings, collared shirts, saying "dude," pounding brews (and getting beaten in chugging by his girlfriend), listening to dave, and anything fundamentally related to being a "bro" from a well to do long island town. a jerk, a stud, a legend, the man himself, the Hickey.
CJ Tyrone Hickey is an ideal representative
by Tyrone Mandhandle March 1, 2007
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Incongruous to the traditional defintion of a "love bite," term refers to the adolescent outrage of testosterone in a male,leading to a superhuman self-image associated with an unearned high ego, attributed to red hair and a purple car. This specimen enjoys absurd amounts of fifa, honey barbeque wings, collared shirts, saying "dude," pounding brews (and getting beaten in chugging by his girlfriend), listening to dave, and anything fundamentally related to being a "bro" from a well to do long island town. a jerk, a stud, a legend, the man himself, the Hickey.
CJ Tyrone Hickey is an ideal representative
by Tyrone Mandhandle March 1, 2007
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A raised bump, usually on the head. (Of Southern origin, most likely New Orleans, LA)
Joe walked into the wall and now he's got a big hickey on his forehead.

by Vjazz February 10, 2007
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hickey a person who is the shiznit. and cums on peoples faces
woah did you see him hes a hickey
by Mandieeee August 27, 2008
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Southern slang for gay; normally used only by gay guys to comment on other men who appear effeminate or closeted. This is often combined with a mixing of pronouns (SHE/her instead of the more accurate HE/him).
Please girl, that hickey aint foolin' nobody. She's the biggest flammer on campus.
by T Wade October 1, 2005
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