When another male, usually of color, example Middle Eastern, Africa, Black, asks intelligent questions or inquiries about something relativity simple. The white guy will usually over complicate the answer or just ignore or flame.
Mohammed asked on the forums about wiring a device that has only a few wires that are all unlabeled, Insecure White Guy IT nerd/product specialized usually named Greg, Mike, etc sends him a 245 page PDF . An example of Insecure White Guy Syndrome
by Mohammed Atta January 22, 2020
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A condition in which men take on certain qualities, such as slower movement, complaints about non-specific pain, an inability to hear anything else but a television, flatulence, sleeplessness, or sleeping until noon, forgetfulness, and an extremely critical view of others, many have delusions about an omnipotent "they" who seem to direct their activities. A remarkable recovery is usually observed when one OGS sufferer is contacted by another OGS.
One who suffers from Old Guy Syndrome (OGS) OGS may be observed mindlessly turning a flashlight on and off for more than 15 minutes to determine whether it works.
by Benjy12 January 23, 2013
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When an average looking guy is reminded that he is average looking from
looking in the mirror, and girls' initial looks towards him. It carriers over into other parts of his life. "

Professor, I've been dealing with the affects of Average Looking Guy Syndrome (ALGS). Could i have an extension?
by Joebk2005 November 4, 2008
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This disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior) i.e. thinks he is a First Nation Chief when in fact he is the son of european immigrants from New Jersey, symptoms include but are not limited to: complete disregard for anyone's point of view, especially ... See Morethat of 'ethic' people, because his is of course the only 'ethnic' point of view that matters. This creates an overwhelming need for admiration, the white guy is always right -and usually has a complete lack of empathy toward others. People with this disorder often believe they are of primary importance to anyone one they meet, and that their opinion trumps any real life experience or first hand knowledge. While this pattern of behavior may be appropriate for a king in 16th Century England, it is generally considered inappropriate for most ordinary people today. People exhibiting this syndrome tend to become exploitative of others, e.g., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends. Plastic Shammen, Wannabe's, new ageist, Twinkies and the like have a higher percentage of falling victim to this syndrome than any other group currently. This Personality Disorder is characterized by an enduring pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving which is significantly different from the person's culture and results in negative consequences.
He's not Native he's suffering from Oppressed White Guy Syndrome -
by Two Bears July 22, 2010
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Is the terminal disease of the brain in which the sufferer cannot spend a whole day without repeating word for word jokes from the previous nights Family Guy episode. This disease results in the deterioration of the brain, where the victim becomes a zombie to plagerized jokes.
Mark: "So then Stewie was all like 'What the duece!', haha."
Adam: "Mate, you might want to get your Family Guy Echo Syndrome checked out?"
by Scimitar October 26, 2007
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When a girl suffers from attraction to a hot guy, usually one of her best friends or someone that she knows it would be a huge mistake to get involved with, and won't allow herself to go out with/make out with them, but can't stay away either. She will continue to toggle back and forth between wanting to jump his bones and wanting him to die a horrible death.
Girl1: Oh, my god those two BOTH make me have Hot guy dilemma syndrome!

Girl2: Bummer girl, you should just hurry up and date them so you can move on to the just hating their guts phase!
by SufferingNsocorro March 31, 2009
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The act of a white male sagging his pants beyond belief due to the fact that his surrounding friends are black.
by afdfdsfswed August 21, 2011
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