Brought by slaves to what is now the Southeastern United States, the word goober is derived from the Bantu word for peanut. In slang usage, goober derives from Goober Pyle, a character on the 1960s American TV sitcom, The Andy Griffith Show. Originally, the word referred to a dullard who hails from rural America. In everyday contemporary usage, the word is often applied to any stupid, inept or foolish person.
N. My older brother is a total goober.

Adj. If Bill Clinton shaved 100 points off his IQ he might have been America's first goober president.

Adv. Oh, Tom is just being his usual gooberly self.

V. Trans. Quit goobering the remote

v. Int. No goobering allowed.
by Gomer Gooberon June 21, 2009
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Derrogatory term used by US soldiers for any local citizen or Insurgent, in both Afghanistan and Iraq, particularly after the military leadership decreed that using the term "Hadji" was a punishable offense.
"Well guys, it looks like we can shoot 'em with rifles or missiles, but should you go so far as to call one a Hadji your ass is grass. I recommend that you call them 'Goober' instead; it seems less offensive to the untrained ear..."
by B 2/75 October 2, 2005
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a chocolate covered peanut or a jar of peanut butter and jelly mixed together
when i went to the movies with bob we got goobers after having sex in the seats
by rachael January 28, 2005
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A small person that is known for crawling around on walls and ceilings.

Luci: Man Jasper, you're such a funny goober!
by TheArcIsBuilt January 6, 2023
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A person who is a combination of a Loser, idiot, clutz, bigot, naive, arrogant, oblivious and generally lacking insight to the world, very opinionated but is never perceived as a smart or charismatic.

This person will often find him/her self in awkward situations, often without realising it. Someone who will say inappropriate things at the wrong time and thinks its all cool.
A: "Did you hear nathan talking about how great his new headphones were to the grooms mother"?
B: "Yeah what a goober"

A: "That dude is walking around the beach chatting up every chick with his ridiculous hat"
B:"Yeah what a goober"

A:"I spent my day driving around in my new car to see who would look twice"
B:"Dude its a 1993 Mazda 121 you fucking goober"
by chabibii October 8, 2013
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Can be considered a Green Bean or more commonly, a Peanut.
"Graham, you are such a skinny goober."
"Peanuts aren't skinny."
"Well, green beans are so. . .yea."
by rainydaynaps September 27, 2012
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