the eternal flame. this flame is contained normally on the body. In most cases this would be the head of a dude with red hair. These people are normally in addition to having goffs, wierd ass mofos.
Kid 1- Is that kid for real.
Kid 2- give him a break, hes a goff.
by Harry wang February 19, 2005
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An article is labeled as being in Goff Corner if it is an article in a mainstream newspaper on a topic of some significance (e.g. an important political issue) where the emphasis may not suit the 'party line' of the newspaper; and thus the article is to be found on a page somewhere in the middle of the section at a position in the bottom corner of the page, surrounded by a large advertisement (usually for a car company) on one side and with an article, of marginal (or lower) importance, above.
I'm in a state of news-rage after seeing Osama bin Laden relegated to Goff Corner in today's Washington Post.

Did you see that John Howard was in Goff Corner of the Sydney Morning Herald today?

George W. Bush can't get out of Goff Corner in the New York Times now that he's no longer the President.
by Springbok27 February 25, 2009
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Another way to pronounce the word goth. Used to make the word seem more new. Quirky, unusual people do it.
I am not a goth as you say. I...I am a goff. Mwhahahaha!
by mandi November 28, 2003
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A Faggot who talks shit about getting pussy but really doesn't and texts random girls and pays them to say they want to fuck him. He also thinks he's good at video games but sucks dick
That Kid over there is just like Riley Goff
by BradjStover March 2, 2020
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A nice caring boy amazing child hit him up he is so cool and a big man I’m terrified of him but we all love him
Samuel Goff is so cool 😎
by Cool kid456 January 5, 2020
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