the most awfull music on earth, created and listened to by complete tools who think WOB WOB WOB is good music.
Ew, do you hear that dubstep?
by hjfklasdjf August 16, 2011
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Dupstep: An electronic form of shit that rips off older classic music and becomes shit.
Jhonny: Hey man have you heard that new Skrillex album?
Tommy: No what genre is it?
Jhonny: Dubstep
Tommy then proceeds to rape Jhonny with a baseball bat using the "Babe Ruth" technique.
by Firebandit April 6, 2015
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Wilson: yaaa brooo!! I was womping so hard at the Bassnectar show last night! dubstep rocks!!

John: your an idiot
by womper66 April 25, 2011
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Music that will fill your veins like ...blood. Dubstep is a genre of music that can turn any time, place or person into a fuckin party. It is derived from the latin word Nosuchthingastoomuchbass. It is an orgasm for your ears (when produced correctly) that ejaculates bass lines into your brain getting you hooked, this is te process in which "bassheads" are born.
Hey girlfriend, come rage with me tonight at the Dubstep show. Womp. womp. womp. WoMp.
by Lennifer Hopez November 4, 2010
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The noise made when a T-rex rapes a transformer raping an angel.
Dubstep just made me have an eargasm
by Thatguy225 February 9, 2011
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A genre of music that uses bass and is as filthy than the gulf of mexico. Some can get even filthier than that. It is as addicting as meth and heroine put together.
Let's go cruise. I just put a new soundsystem. I want to blow your mind with this dubstep mix.

Alright, am I going to need to take a shower afterwards?

Two of them.
by krepler September 3, 2010
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Music created by homosexuals that sounds liken the worst noise ever created that makes you want to commit suicide and is the cause of alzheimers, depression, and cancer, and makes yours ears and brain bleed. Worst fucking music ever do don't listen to if you want these bad things. Dubstep is the source of all things evil.
Why are you playing dubstep Ethan?
Beacuse its legit man!
So do you worship satan, you want to die?
No what the fuck

Whatever i am leaving your stupid
by I hate dubstep May 18, 2011
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