she will threaten to destroy or kill you if you go near this person. she will make u be shook like SKSKSK. she likes to read and will try to prove u wrong but sis u better STEP UP QUEEN. and sometimes she will try to square up ya hurd.
This gurl tried to fight me like she was Daniella.
by QuEEnsister March 16, 2018
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Daniella is a Hispanic bisexual who cares about others more than herself because she can be very insecure and envious of others. Although she might seem awkward and antisocial at first, but once you start talking to her she will easily accept your friendship and be kind and supporting. Daniella can be intelligent and passive-aggressive at times, but her pride is placed in her artistic ability and knowledge of memes. Daniella likes to take out her anger in physical activities but her true love is Nutella. She is super loyal and compassionate and wants somebody to love her, so don’t be afraid to hug her.
Person 1: Have you seen Daniella? She’s so shy.
Person 2: If you start showing her memes she’ll start talking for hours.
Person 1: Wait, really? No one can talk about memes for hours.
Person 2: Tell that to the 2,000 memes saved on her phone.
by SpicyNutella69 September 29, 2019
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There's a daniella up your shirt!
by Snoozapalooza August 26, 2006
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A giraffe. A beautiful giraffe. Shes very funny and has met the jonas brothers and justin bieber. Thinks that tumblr is confusing but loves it.
by canyounot March 29, 2013
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She’s an amazing, smart, kind person and always puts people first, she will always put her friends before herself. She loves math, sport, space and many other things. For her love of these things she’s incredibly intelligent! If you have a Daniella in your life, never let her go!
Daniella is so amazing !!
by Ultimate J-Low March 12, 2019
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Daniella is a nice sweet girl who is always there for you no matter what. Sometimes she can get mad at you and be toxic but she will always feel bad and apologize. She is a great person to have around and you can tell her everything, although she may use it against you. She asks if you are okay when you are not yourself. She is a great artist and has a slender but muscular body. Her parents spoil her but she won't brag about it.
Daniella is a sometimes toxic but overall great friend.
by kewlkat101 November 25, 2019
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Daniella is a sweet, caring and loving girl. Daniella hangs out with the popular girls but still never changes how she acts. Daniella has blue eyes, blonde hair and fair skin she always puts her hair in a ponytail or just simply down. She can act mean at times, but just remember, a Daniella will treat you like you're the best person in the world, she will never put you down. If you know a Daniella, go out with her, you would love her.
Guy 1: Look it's Daniella!

Guy 2: Yeah, I heard she's a cute one.
Guy 3: She's definitely a Daniella!
by ChicagoDonna January 7, 2019
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