Chris Crocker is a over-effimanite ''man'' on youtube. She was thrown into youtube celebrity status from his leave britney alone vid.
''I just asked a really hot woman out'' said guy A

''What's her name'' said guy B

''Chris Crocker'' said guy A
by yamumratesme January 1, 2012
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Chris is a proud gay youtuber whom acts in all his videos apart from his "leave britney alone" video which is how he got famous. All of the people who slag him off are stupid and homophobic, Chris Crocker is just letting out his opinion and there's idiots just slagging him off for no reason.
homophobe "err chris crocker is so gay for talking about britney"

me "shut the hell up you ignrant idiot"
by AcidicAnnie December 30, 2009
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The New Christ a.k.a. The coolest video blogger alive. This dude not only has fabulous hair and millions of fans for you to be jealous of, but he is SMART and fashionable. He's a loyal Britney fan. So there. Be jealous. Go down some haterade and be a fattie. Chris Crocker will still pwn.
C: Omg, did you see the new Chris Crocker video?

C: YEA! HE IS AWESOME! I love his hairflip! Betch please!
by CALL ME, CHRIS September 19, 2007
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a young man who is witty, smart and who is loving and carefree. An inspiration to those who want to be individuals. Someone who is not afraid to be themselves no matter what negative attention he may get.
chris crocker
by blu03 December 19, 2009
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A faggish attention whore tranny boy who only cares about an unfit mother rather to care about starving children in Africa dying every 3 seconds.
My teachers hate him so much that they banned us from seeing videos of him in school! He is just a 20 year old loser who still lives with his grandparents. Don't they ever stop and think "What is our grandson doing in our basement"?
My mother hates this guy so much that she turned to me and asked "Is that a man or a woman". I said "A boy/girl".
This dude thinks that he is a woman!

This, everyone is an example of why kids should not do drugs
Chris Crocker(looking like a tranny) : Alright, yall don't be knowin' tha jam, so this is da jam, right hairstyle!

(dances to Danity Kane's "Damage" in a faggish way, singing horribly trying to take off his clothes)

Chris Crocker : Danity Kane Damaged.
by lill keke June 14, 2008
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A person who hate's on chris crocker and spends time putting him down. Even though it's stupid because if you really didn't like him then why bother spending your "valuble" time and write or say things about him. They usually have issue's with themselves or don't have a life. and more so sipping on hateraide and munching on hater-tots
This is a conversation between two chris crocker hater's

Hater One : I hate chris crocker !

Hater Two : SAME !

HAter One :

Let's waste our time and our lives, lets go on an urban dictionary and rant on him casuse were hating!

Hater Two : GREAT IDEA !
by Just saying June 28, 2008
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