An extremely attractive male, that will use his charms to pull you in, but really ends up "talking" to 6 other girls. So you get fucked over, but then you fall for him again.

Its kind of a cycle that most girls go through.
girl 1: whoa, whos that guy?
girl 2: its chase, dont even get involved
girl 3: yeah, i did. hes a dick
by kdjnvknv October 24, 2009
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Chase is a guy. He’s strong and careing, probably the best guy you could ever have in your life and if you get lucky enough to call him yours. Don’t waste it. He’s got a pure heart and will fight for you through thick and thin. He may be jealous or overthink a lot but you can tell when he really loves you. With his big stunning eyes and his soft heart lushness lips, he will have you in a trance with a single smile. He can change your mood instantly, the sound of his laughter or the touch of his lips gives shivers down your spine and feel like the only woman in the world. He’s funny, smart, handsome, generous, caring, freaky ;), and perfect all in one. He will be there for you no matter what’s going on, but don’t undermine him. He can switch in .5 seconds if he is crossed wrong. You will NEVER be as happy as you are when you are with him. As your days been hard and life got low, just hearing from this man could make the world stop, time freeze in place as your worries are washed away.
Girl: I’m surprised Chase and Hope are still together
Girl 2: yeah? Well chase does love like no other
Girl 3: Their totally ment for one another
by Trippy_Authentic January 13, 2019
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Chase, the best guy friend you'll ever have. why? because he'll be there for you, love you, accept you, care for you until the day he dies. You can count on him for anything, yes sometimes they'll come off as jackasses, but secretly they aren't, they are this loving boy who will beat anyone if they've hurt you in anyway possibly. Love your chase, i sure do love mine, he is the best guy friend you'll ever have.
Chase is the best. Trust me. He will complete your life without even trying.
by gay.@bbe7 November 17, 2018
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He is the sweetest, most kind, caring, person you will ever meet. You can't help but adore him. He may seem like an insensative jerk sometimes, but he will care for you when no one will.
I hate at Chase could steal my gf because he is so sweet.
by Katarina_kitten_12 November 15, 2016
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A very funny guy that can make you laugh when your down. And makes Time to talk to you. Even if he is very busy
by The truth about you February 4, 2017
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Very tall, very talented man with his tongue. Can be aggressive yet sweet so he can be a contradiction. Gets frequently asked by girls if they can climb him like a tree.
Girl 1: Omg who is that? He is so tall....
Girl 2: His name is Chase, and I know right? I wanna take a bite out of that...
Girl 3: Me too, Man I would climb him like a tree YUM!
by Hot cakes babe August 18, 2011
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A guy that a girl is totally in love with but she cant go out with becuz his ex is her BESTFRIEND
Girl one: chase is so great.
Girl two: but remeber the situation with...
Girl one: i kno :(
by open taco 24/7 October 15, 2010
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