a super bitch. when referring to a caity the person has most likely ruined your life or someone close to you. a very selfish and ugly person. friendless and alone.
yeah, he was so caity.
by fuckin' stooge. June 13, 2010
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(ethnic slur) offensive term for a Fat Fucking Jew.
Person 1. I hate you alot
Person 2. Well your a CAITI!
by Jakeeeeyy February 29, 2008
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A person who has Flabby arms and has the problem of break peoples hearts
by Anonymous September 18, 2003
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A liar who appears out of nowhere and destroys relationships.
Guy 1: Did you hear about Linda and John?
Guy 2: No what happened?
Guy 1: Some chick basically Home-wrecked them.
Guy 2: Damn, what a Caitie.
by tfisthis March 14, 2015
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A person who has Flabby arms and has the problem of break peoples hearts
No i look like a Caiti
by Anonymous September 18, 2003
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Caiti is a cool person with little amount of brains. Typically very sarcastic and usually never stops talking. Caiti’s aren’t shy people, they are funny and good to get to know. They are also typically decent athletes and enjoy adventuring. Caiti’s Love music and tends to hang out with Emma’s
by HollaDollaSign April 3, 2018
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haha haha hahshhahahahahha
by meee February 25, 2005
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