To lay waste, as with fire, to countrysides, peasants, and thatched-roofed cottages. other things may be burninated, but these are the only approved ones (see
"and Trogdor smot the Kerrek, and all was laid to burnination"
by poptart September 1, 2003
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the act of torching a countryside and/or its peasants with your awesome dragon powers. This act is reserved for Trogdor the burninator.
"Burninating the countryside...burninating the peasants...he's TROGDOOOOOOOOOR!!!!
by Brohemuous February 14, 2003
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1. A verb, usually in reference to Trogdor, an internet icon
2. A burning sensation resulting from urination with an STD
1. Trogdor burninates the peasants!

2. It burninates when he urinates.
by Trogdor September 11, 2003
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one who destroys and/or kills by means of burnination, esp. when referring to the burnination of the peasants who live in thatched-roof cottages
The thick black smoke that hung over the village the next day was enough to suffocate several of the local children. Their homes destroyed, their families reduced to piles of ashes and charred bones, the surviving peasants had nothing left to turn to. This could only be the work of Trogdor the Burninator.
by Engy May 24, 2003
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"trogdor the Burninator"
A nocturnal* dragon from past times that burninates the Country-side

*"and then trogdor comes in the NIIIIIiiiiIIIIIiiiiGGGH!"
by Sofia May 31, 2003
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The act of reducing something or someone to ashes by way of dragon-blown flames.
Trogdor smote the village and all was laid to burnination.
by Sco August 25, 2003
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Another word for a dragon or other fire-breathing creature that wreaks havoc on the countryside..
by Sloppy White February 14, 2003
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