(A long version is sometimes heard, example: "It's just bitches and hos, man, bitches and hos".

A common variant is "Bitches is just hos, man.")

This is a modern-day phrase some guys use to comfort a male friend who is pining for a special woman (or who is lamenting being rejected by her, or who was recently dumped by his girlfriend).

The guys who use this phrase to comfort their friends could use it sincerely or insincerely.

When used sincerely, the sensitive friend may realize that despite the crass language, the person using this phrase is only trying to make them feel better.

Typically, in this situation, the person using the phrase uses it IRONICALLY, and may in fact have a decent respect for women. The sensitive friend may pick up on this irony/humor.

When used insincerely, the sensitive friend (who may respect women) may start an argument with the person who used the phrase, since in this case the person who said it displayed a sexist attitude while saying it.

In the examples, carefully note the two different deliveries of the phrase by DF1 (sensitive) and DF2 (insensitive), and the two correspondingly divergent reactions of SD.

I am sure there are other deliveries (emotional tones) out there for this phrase, and also thus different meanings for it. Please add them.

The exact origin of this phrase is not clear... I cannot tell if it was actually originally meant to be sexist or ironic.

Sensitive Dude:

"I don't know if I will ever get over

(insert girl's name here).

She was and is the single most perfect, talented, intelligent, and awesome girl I've ever met in my life, with a great personality, beautiful looks, a wonderful outlook on life, etc. etc. I'm just miserable knowing that she doesn't like me as much as I like her."


Sensitive Dude's friend

(let's call him Dude Friend 1):

"Don't worry about it, it's just bitches and hos man, bitches and hos. I'm sure you'll find someone else, because there are a lot of people in this world."

Sensitive Dude ('s reaction):

"Haha I guess you're right, man... she is so damn awesome that I want to stay friends with her no matter the emotional torture, but you're right: I have to keep looking, maybe I will find someone else."


Sensitive Dude's other friend

(lets call him Dude Friend 2): "It's just bitches and hos man, bitches and hos. You shouldn't even give a rat's ass about her, because bitches is all alike and they ain't worth shit homie."

Sensitive (yet surprisingly tough) Dude ('s reaction):

"Why you- !!!" (fistfight ensues)
by Bandy Banret January 13, 2012
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1)A young fun loving whore or bitch.

2)A woman who goes from man to man socially and intimately just as the video game character Pack Man swallowing dots. Often called gold diggers, manipulators, and succubus's, this woman is highly subversive and must be controlled at all costs.
1. Marj is such a pack man bitch. She hooked up with a couple guys within a month after breaking up.

2. Tila Taquilla
by Royal321 November 3, 2010
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A Warlock that cant make anyone mad when it goes reverse
Bitch Ass Lil Man Fucked up agian
by Cee Cee Da ville March 31, 2022
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This phrase is descriptive of the 4 disticnt levels of courtship used by females to describe her involvement with a man.
1. baby- you are involved in casual friendship based on sex

2. boo- she not only gives you sex but lets(actually tricks you into) you buy things for her.

3. man- you are in a full blow relationship, have also been coerced into meeting the parents of said succubus, and dont have any plans for leaving. She still has sex with you but its getting harder to get action because she doesnt want it to be just about sex and wants to take the relationship to a higher level, and she still manages to con you into buying shit for her.

4. bitch- the final twisted stage, where the female truly has a man wrapped around her devious little finger and is actually able to yell at him, take his paycheck, and sleep with him only when she says it is ok, and he takes it like the bitch he is because he has been so severely brainwashed he actually believes he has it pretty good. This is when all 4 categories are strung together to make the worst label in history; baby-boo-man-bitch. At this point you have been completely and utterly owned by a female that you told your buddies would never break you but she just did. Once this label is placed you may as well throw away your cell and move into the mountains where no one knows you. This usually occurs right after the wedding or honey moon.
A month ago he was hittin it all the time, then he started buyin her shit, and he got less action as time went on, and nows hes her slave. He is officially her baby-boo-man-bitch.
by pummy May 5, 2009
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a d-bag teaher who's entention is to fail most of his teacher class
whats wron woth that man bitch jew bagel
by JUSE MAN April 14, 2009
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A man-bitch is an alpha conservative Republican who has meltdowns in the same way liberal Democrat snowflakes do, while simultaneously claiming to be a “badass who isn’t afraid to tell it how it is”
Example: Uh oh, Donald Trump is going full man-bitch again
by Laytonguy November 4, 2021
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A guy who has particular woman-like antics which include; falling out with friends, going in a huff and moaning about certain individuals in full detail. Typically happens after being castrated by an over bearing wife who shreds any ounce of dignity he has. Normally happens to guys named Barry.
Dude, have you talked to Barry lately? He’s such a man-bitch anymore.
by That guy 2102 December 1, 2022
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