Sudden loss of all Facebook memories due to a violation of your freedom of speech.
Facebook notified me I had me I had memories to look back on but when I did the content was no longer available. They must have Bidened me!
by OGKLINK June 5, 2022
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Take something that was working and go out of your way to undermine it's success and be bewildered that people aren't getting on board,
Until January 20th 2021 the economy was working relatively well, and then it got bidened.
by Dr.Eevil September 21, 2022
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When something is so completely fucked up that it's difficult to believe the it wasn't intentional.
That shit going on at the border is just Bidened.
by THX1180 August 25, 2021
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a sweet man who can sometimes be a bitch but Is a better option than a fat-ass dull cheeto at least he has a better form than a orange if you find him you will be surprised vote blue!
Girl:Damn is that a guy he sometimes can be bitch
Boy: Hey girl
Girl:omg He's not racist he must be a biden
by Yourlocalsenpai/noona October 27, 2020
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the president who while not a fully good person is still superior to the last president, donald dump
the winner of the election is biden
by tuntch January 8, 2021
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the 47th president of the united states, a Democrat, looks like your cool uncle tbh
"Hey, did you see Joe Biden won the election?"
"No thanks to Nevada"
by gaybrowbfemale November 7, 2020
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What we told Trump when he said he was going to move to Canada
Trump: If I lose this election, I might just move to Canada

People: Biden
by IdkWhat2Use March 11, 2021
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