Jaaaaaaaaames Baa-aaaaaxter is a mythical beach ball riding horse that can only say his own name. He is loved by all but his only love is the seaside. He is allergic to Karen's, and middle management. His occupation is unknown but he likes drugs.

He has been known to ride his beach ball between Beatles themed pubs.
Abbie: Oh my God - is that James Baxter?
Sara: No, it's just a horse - he's obviously not riding a beach ball.

James Baxter: Jaaaaaaames Baa-aaaaaxter
by FinnplusJake November 23, 2018
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n. youngest member of the Fox family
n. annoying nickname used to to annoy youngest member of the Fox family.
"Bexter Baxter, will you please go get me my..."
by Liz February 21, 2005
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Quite possibly the weirdest high school East of the Mississippi River... Baxter Academy is notorious for being the meme-fuel that all the other schools use. The school has a program called "Flex Friday" which normally consists of a mixture of insane personal projects and just flat-out goofing off. The school also has a very large population of LGBT+ students, so if your gay and don't wanna look like an outcast, this is your school. Most of the students here also ski like there's no tomorrow, and one time the school even called a "powder day" right after a snowstorm. Another immensely popular fixation is robotics, with Baxter's team winning the first robotics competition and Thomas Cup more often than the Patriots win the Super Bowl. The Monday-Thursday academics program is amazingly lenient compared to other high schools, with most of the teachers being super down to earth and rarely assigning homework. However, the higher administration has been horribly inconsistent over the past few years, with a bunch of new principals and board members trying to make the school a living hell for faculty and students alike. About 75% of the original faculty has quit over the past few years because of this, but it always does seem somewhat easy for them to find replacement teachers. As for colleges, universities love to see Baxter on people's resumes, but a lot of times folks fall flat on their face when they get there, because most college professors suck when compared to Baxter Teachers.
"He goes to Baxter Academy???"

"He's probably a gay guy who draws dank memes while skiing down Jordan Bowl at Sunday River"
by winweather04 November 13, 2021
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Toilet to shower method of masturbating.
Sean said he likes to start his fap sessions off while sitting backwards on the toilet with an empty cardboard toitlet paper holder around his unit. He then backpeddles away from the throne and pivots into the shower where he climaxes in the soap tray. Its only after his engorged member has returned to its flaccid state that he can remove the cardboard and complete his Baxter Pipeline session.
by mooseshadows February 7, 2019
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The second coming of god. Mode of transportation: a beach ball. Often takes the form of a horse
Stacy: “thank you so much James Baxter, you always know exactly what to say to cheer me up
James Baxter: “James baxter. Jaaames baaxteer”
by Cum faggot May 20, 2019
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