Pretty much the universal symbol for dick. But it can be ok through parents if you say it means smile.
1.Hey baby can't wait to see your 8=D -dick
2. Hey can't wait to see your 8=D -smile
by Big Nutz79 November 28, 2015
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the word used commonly to portray a penis.
length can vary to portray either an erect or flaccid penis.
"suck it 8====D"
by Colon Power May 23, 2004
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A delighted gentleman with sunglasses on his head.

That, or a very unhappy gentleman who isn't very well-endowed.
1. Look at my cool shades! 8=D

2. My penis is so small. : 8=D
by veXxv July 29, 2006
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1.a penis being inserted into sone ladies titties
2.someone about to get a tit job
guy #1: hey what did you and your girlfriend do last night?
guy #2: 8===D (.)(.)
guy #1: sah-weet!
by chucknorrishasabigpenis October 14, 2008
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a person wearing a mickey mouse hat, you know the kind you get at disney land with the ears on top
person 1: dude i just won the lottery!!
person 2: no way dude!! what are you gonna do now?
person 1: im goin to disneyland!! 8(:D
by snoop101 August 14, 2009
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What? Its a smiley face with a chef hat!

You perverts.
Me: Yay time to cook! 8=:D
Anon: o_o
Me: ... wut?
by OkamiKNOWS September 10, 2010
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