2 lesbians making out and then one of them shits in a plastic cup. Then they eat it and then vomit on each other and then eat that. These women are disturbing and in my opinion are not human; they are beasts and they do not deserve to live another day for committing this vile act. DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO!
Have you ever seen 2 girls 1 cup?
by Eh...Fuck-It January 19, 2008
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the "sequel" to the famed 2 girls 1 cup, the clip features two asian woman, presumed Japanese, performing various "sexual acts" with vomit and fecal matter.
Dude 1: Dood! Have you seen the 2 girls 1 finger video!? Its fooking gross dood!
Dude 2: No dood, what the fuck is that?
Dude 1: Its like 2 girls 1 cup. Only 2 girls 1 finger makes the tubgirl look like a fountain of cotton candy and 2 girls 1 finger like a glass of delectable choc-o-lat moose.
Dude 2: Dood!

by Uge! November 30, 2007
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A video that is so disgusting that it you get nauseous thinking about it. There are several reasons NOT to watch it:
-It's disgusting
-You may puke on your computer and ruin it that way
-there are so many hidden viral videos of it out there, you may ruin your computer
-you like the sound/look of pooping? no? You like the sound/look of vomiting? no? You like to see someone, poop then it that poop and vomit it afterwards?
-For all the perves: The lesbian action in the video you may find arousing is only arousing for 3 seconds cuz then the only lesbo action will consist of puking in each others mouth.



2 girls 1 cup Video starts:
Girl- "Ew. Porn."/Guy-"Heeyy Ladies wait for my lotion!"
*5 seconds later*
Girl-*VOMIT*/Guy"DA FUCK?!!?!"
*another 10 secs later*
Girl-*passed out*/Guy *vomit*
by AScaredForLifeOne April 28, 2012
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2 girls 1 cup owes it's origins to a film sharing the same title in which two young girls of appropriate age engage in socialy questionable acts including: consumption of one another's feces, consumtion of the regurgitated aforementioned feces, and aside from the shit and puke eating some pretty hot lesbian action. This having been explained, its defined currently as a description of anything traumatic and disgusting enough to shock, often relating to but not exclusive to the consumtion of vomit or feces.
Reginald: I say I say good sir have you seen the cinema film "The Human Centipede"? Farnsworth: No my good man I've not seen this feature would you recomend I take my best girl and her father? Reginald: Well my gentle sir I'd say that shits 2 girls 1 cup!
by FarleyWasGod December 3, 2010
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A painful reminder/wake up call to all guys that women do in fact shit... even the attractive ones. Ignorance is bliss isn't it?
Hey man where's Ashley?

She's probably taking a shit, she's been in the bathroom forever.

Dude girls don't shit!

Oh really? Watch 2 girls 1 cup, you won't thank me.
by santa's going TOTAL TANK January 2, 2011
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Worse than 2 girls 1 cup, goddamn, I didn't think it could get any worse...but it does.
Dude 1: 2 girls 1 finger is way more fucked up than 2girls1cup.

Dude 2: Yeh, I heard it killed the same grandma from the grandma reaction video to 2 girls 1 cup when she saw it.
by Fatty1234567 December 6, 2007
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A popular internet video that is similar to 2 girls 1 cup. In it, two women perform sexual acts on each other, with one of them defecating directly into the other's mouth.
If you thought 2 girls 1 cup was bad, wait till you see 2 girls 1 finger!
by G Roy December 5, 2007
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