an approval, a variation of “yes lad” (wad is pronounced like lad, but with a w, w-ad)
this song is fucking great nai wad!
by welshj93 June 2, 2022
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A regular amount of money not enough to accomplish much of anything. Old school term doo wad from back in the era of doo wop music.

Just enough money to get a person into trouble.
Doo wad got tickets to our event, bought drinks, and ate the whole buffet. We added some home health care agency business cards to his empty wallet at closing time after the authorities impounded his '57 Chevy.
by Rosewater Jack June 24, 2022
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in a bind or in a bad in situation where you’re in a sticky situation
“Man im in a wad” guy 2: “why what’s up? guy 1: “i want to go to the game tonight but i have a hot date idk what to do” guy 2: “are you seriously in a sticky situation over this”
by immaguymaybe October 6, 2023
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A "Wad-snogger" is a Nerd/Dork with an Alpha-Type Attitude.

A "Wad-snogger" can also be a derogatory term to describe a "Sissy Bitch." (Only in certain cases can the Word be appropriate.)
James is such a Wad-snogger. His inability to get girls will forever haunt him.

Jessica: Hey, did you hear?
Alice: no...
Jessica: Danny is a "Wad-snogger"
Alice: wtf
by David.issa.finna December 1, 2019
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A large, impressive roll of paper money with a few hundreds on the outside and lots of singles on the inside. Used by gamblers, grifters and con artists for impressing rubes that you're a whale of a rich guy.
He always walked into a deal with a flash wad, but walked out making a lot of vague promises and leaving as little of it behind as possible.
by Debt Hope December 8, 2014
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