A song or a jingle that sounds super catchy, and makes you want to dance, but at the same makes you want to punch a hole in the wall. songs like this can include: "Intentions by Justin Bieber" or "Poolside Manner by 88rising".
omg this song is such a poopy tune it makes me burst out of laughter but it's so catchy.
this song is a poopy tune I hate it, but at the same time I want to keep listening.
by Ayladonasaurus May 16, 2020
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when you buy an itune based on the short 30 second snippet on itunes.. and discover it actually sucks.
You: i just got the new Alien Sex Fiend tune and it sounded good in the part they play on itunes -- Itunes left out the screechy woman part.

Him: total lie-tune
by ZapZhong January 15, 2010
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To have money. If the dibs are in tune, it means you're flush and can go raise hell etc - conversely, if the dibs aren't in tune, it means you're skint.
Bertie: What ho old chap. Are you coming to tea?
Corky: 'Fraid I can't mate - the dibs aren't in tune this month. I'll have to hit up my Uncle Worple for some cash.
by isntit November 21, 2011
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When you have a massive shit brewing and produce an audio masterpiece by feathering your sphincter whilst expelling toxic fart gas from your colon.
Hey dude... *paaarrrrppp* Name that tune!!!
by KencoKid March 22, 2022
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When you arrive late at a drinking event and quickly need to catch up to everyone else, so you put down about 3-4 drinks in the first ten minutes; often to the concern and horror of other guests.
"Why the hell did Gary just walk in and take 3 shots of vodka in 2 minutes?"

"Had to work until 9. He realized we already had a few and is tuning in"
by DiscountSteak April 28, 2021
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