Verb, as much as annoying, vain scene kids take many photos of themselves anyway and believe that they are incredible photographers for some reason. They frequently do this... 'pose' where they snarl, lifting one lip up towards the nose and usually tilt their head.

It's very stupid, but hilarious that they think they're cool for doing this face.
Scrolling across Facebook, oh look it's "Jessica OMG Bieber" (notice that the scene kid has a false surname and middle name.) Oh, what an annoying profile picture, she's pulling a face, this is know as The Scene Kid Face.
The Scene Kid Face is a COCK IN ASS
by BallBagBaggins April 11, 2010
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A black scene kid is a scene kid of african-american descent who dresses in the fashion/style of scene and listen to music alot of scenester listen to. Including:

o Emo and Screamo

o Black scene kids may find that pulling off the look may be harder for them because the make up and hair often times are made more so to cater to people who are of fair or pale skin and straight hair.

o A lot of scene hairstyles require straight, flexable hair that, when hair stiffner is applied, will hold the often times, spikey or wild hairstlyes that scenesters wear. More typical black-american hair is curly, kinky, or 'nappy' and not straight.

o Most scenesters wear skinny jeans, like HelloKitty female, have their own unique picture poses and wear slip-on shoes/Vans and have many other uniquely-scene approaches to things.

o Alot of scenesters wear either dark or bright make up or clothing, that on some black-americans might not be so flattering on darker skin.

o Black-american scenesters may face a certain stigma from their community and from other black-americans because the style of "scene" is not very typical to the style of most black-americans. This stigma may also come from the closed minded approach that black-americans have to fit a certain stereo-type that is often times placed upon other black-americans by themselves and others.

Please keep in mind, people have the freedom to express themselves how ever they want to and should not be discriminated against because of such. Individuality is the greatest form of personal expression and if one chooses to be a "scenester" then let them be who they are.

**Please keep in mind, also, I am black. I am in no way shape or form self-hating, racist, a scene kid or anything of that nature, I just just feel that I know enough on the subject to post a definition. If you don't like my definition post your own like I did.**
Example of a close minded black-american's take on a Black scene kid:

"What the hell is wrong with that nigga? Why is his hair straight? Is that nigga a fag?"

Example of a closed mined black-american stereo-typing black-americans:

"He can't be black! Black people don't dress like that! That's hella WHITE."
by CuriousKatt August 13, 2009
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a very lame scene that has developed from the emo scene, in which the males usually wear nike shoes, trackie bottoms or super skinny jeans with a big belt buckle, a hoody or hooded jacket with the hood up and a New Era or DC cap. there hair is either long fringe over one eye, or ridiculous block fringe that looks very silly, yet they think it looks cool under their caps. they have an angry attitude rather than the depressed emo attitude. they listen to shit fake screamo such as Enter Shikari and Hadouken. they are basically stuck between being emos and chavs, hence developing the nickname Chemos from some. they use ridiculous lingo they have stolen off chavs. they often go around stabbing bins and buying £20 knuckledusters for no reason. they are think they are very superior and that their ridiculous hair makes them look good.

NOTE these people are not hardcore kids, who are actually quite cool and original. these are following a lame scene that has stolen the name hardcore off the cool original people.
Normal person: hey man, hows it going?

Hardcore scene kid (H.S.K) yo blud, bare as, is is bare reppin wolf town fo' lyf blud, i is gona be shankin some of them greebos, then tappin some phitt girls that aint wastegash. thats just waste, innit?

Normal person: excuse me? what?

H.S.K.: what ya saying? ill shank your ass with my hardcore crew, we shanked some bins already, be careful
by joel guest July 24, 2007
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A very popular group of scene kids, Shane Novacaine and Shayla Wahla from myspace, who write and compose songs about sex and a ginger named curtis.
Dude, those Godly Scene Kids are banging vagina like crazy on myspace
by Meghan Jamster August 3, 2008
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generally someone who wants to fit in with everyone else.
have either short spikey hair with a long/block fringe or long dyed hair with extentions.
wears a lot of eyeliner with bright coloured eyeshadow sometimes with sparkles or glitter.
has a lot of myspace friends and always asks people to give them "pc4pc" or "w4w" etc.
also most of the time, uses paintshop to exaggerate the pretty features on their photos.
wears black drainpipes with unusual patterned jumpers/hoodies. also leggins and tights are worn.
has an obbsession with stars/guns/dots.
sometimes wears a bandana in the head/neck area.
generally quite pretty but you occasionally get the 1 or 2 who try to hard to fit in and end up looking completely wierd.
"those scene kids. girls. are so annoying."
by jayme. May 2, 2007
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their first name is never Matt. they paint they're pants on. they usually have gauges in their ears the size of plates. they like to listen to screaming hardcore music. they also like to wear bands shirts. sometimes they are homosexual. you will often find a scene kid roaming around in odd places, like video game arcades and bathrooms. (most are seen taking pictures of themselves in public bathroom mirrors with cute little notes written on their hand, and they never smile)
badass scene kid
by yo yo yo bro December 31, 2011
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noun: A boy or girl prep who suddenly decides that's it's like sooooooo kewl to be emo or goth, but isn't willing to give up their douchey ways. May or may not listen to crappy screamo/metal and lots of white boys rapping about how much ass they get. Both tend towards physical attractiveness and have an unfortunate tendency to be assholes/bitches.
Oh my god, is that prep trying to emo? What a fucking scene kid.
by asshat mgee August 11, 2010
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