A bungie stream is when you're taking a whiz in the great outdoors as nature intended, and the wind changes causing you to piss on yourself.
I was watering the lawn, but it was a total bungie stream and now my loafers reek of urine.
by alpacapwn April 22, 2015
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When you can't feel your dick, and you piss yourself
Dude 1: My stream hasn't stopped
Dude 2: It's a ghost stream
by dingus47 June 29, 2018
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A stream in which the streamer is sliding around on the floor covered in mayo.
by EpicHunter October 5, 2023
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The act of peeing through the running water stream in your kitchen sink. The "stream" of your pee is colliding with the "stream" of water coming through your kitchen sink.
Man 1: "Yo bro whens the last time you Sniped the stream? I just did it yesterday.

Man 2: "I began sniping the stream a few ago"
by CommonerRust October 15, 2023
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A Bait Stream Is A Live Interaction Found Typically On Tik Tok And Encourages Users To “Debate” Subjects around Religion,Sexual Orientation And Flat Earth Theories In Which The Live host Wants People To join To prove Him/Her wrong.
Did You See That Stream On Tik Tok With ol Mate Talking About Religion And there’s No God ?

Yeah His Bait Streaming Don’t Worry About It
by NightPossum February 25, 2023
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The preferred sexual position for females of most sex scenes on streaming services such as Netflix.
You know Sally is really starting to like Shawn. That's two love scenes in a row where she was doing streaming cowgirl.
by Steven W. E. July 8, 2020
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A Dead Stream is a funeral service, burial or cremation being captured and viewed remotely using video. It can also be applied to any other activity involving death, such as embalming or even the dressing and makeup applied to a corpse.
Most of us stay at home and Dead Stream Aunt Millie's funeral because they only allowed 5 people in the chapel.
by CrotchGourmet May 2, 2020
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