A Saturday on which you refuse all requests and deny all favors, instead cursing out the person who is asking.
You: Hey self, it's another Fuck-You Saturday.

Jim: (enters) Can you help me with this report?

You: Not today pal. Fuck you.
by Ps4 Name: Barce4life88 August 17, 2019
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When the night ends with true hunger and only a pork pie stuffed into a sloppy minge will suppress the need for sustanence.
"you wouldn't believe how my night ended! Didn't need breakfast after that Saturday night pork pie express!"
by Ernieb182 August 17, 2019
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A new version of Follow Friday, on the Social Networking site "Twitter." This fashion was created by Twitter user @maskedscientist
Let me give a shout out to @so_n_so @jonhdoe for today's #stalksaturday. You should #stalk them. This is a "Stalk Saturday."
by mstmat September 25, 2009
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Sad saturday is when god decides he doesnt want ppl 2 be happy on saturday so most ppl feel bad on this day. It only effects the ppl that satan hasn't got into yet because they do not have an evil force shield around them.
Person 1: I feel sad :(
Person 2: Probably because it's sad Saturday
by Olixia_xox March 21, 2020
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Sad saturday is when god decides he doesnt want ppl 2 be happy on saturday so most ppl feel bad on this day. It only effects the ppl that satan hasn't got into yet because they do not have an evil force shield around them.
Person 1: I feel sad :(
Person 2: Probably because it's sad Saturday
by Olixia_xox March 21, 2020
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Are you participating in sideways Saturday, we all better be seeing sideways at the end of the night.
by UgandanKnuckles August 7, 2022
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its the phenomena where people on the internet can legally be homophobic on saturdays. this can occasionally apply to wednesdays, but is most common on saturday. See also: racism monday
jim: i dont like gay people
josh: you cant say that! thats homophobic!
jim: but its homophobia saturday!
josh: oh alright
by pewguin June 5, 2022
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