A person who is extremely funny, charming, smart, humble, and all of the other great adjectives in a dictionary. An amazing person overall, who holds a special place in your heart / life.

You might also want to refer to a Maya to better understand what normal özel is.
Maya is such a normal özel that İrem couldn't help but adore her.
by kralherifmaya April 14, 2021
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"why would you do that"
"wa its normal"

"Normalality man"
by zfig901 October 22, 2018
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Normaling is the act you perform when you are in an inescapable environment with many other people, and there is absolutely nothing to occupy yourself with. A given person's social skill level, social status, and personality can be immediately determined by the proficiency and style of their normaling.

The goal of normaling is to do nothing in the most socially acceptable, "normal" manner. Very generally, normaling consists of staring at inanimate objects and avoiding eye contact with others; however, this can vary widely between individuals with different normaling proficiencies and is very dependent on the situation at hand.

Here are two examples of appropriate normaling practices:

Ex 1: You're on a plane filled with people. Your phone is dead and you don't want to pay for movies/tv. In this situation, normaling etiquette calls for you to feign sleeping. Close your eyes and lean your head back. Optionally, mix in an occasional snore.

Ex 2: You're in a British Literature class, which, by nature, is boring. The professor grades attendance, so you can't leave. Your professor is also a stickler on having phones out (it's a small class, so he can spot you if you take out your phone). In this case, the common normaling practice is to lean back in your chair, and alternate between staring at the ceiling and walls. Then (and this is crucial), take out your water bottle, and periodically take 0.5-1.5 minute long sips from it every 5-7 minutes.
I don't know about Wes, dude. His normaling on the bus today was off. He kept staring at people, and it was making everyone uncomfortable. He gives off ex-band kid vibes.

Mark seems chill af. His normaling during bio the other day was on point. We should ask him to hang out.
by DanTheWan December 20, 2021
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The meaning for above normal is when your grades are A’s and B’s
by RedDreams December 12, 2019
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Girl on IMVU who has the username Pedal
Pedal is a synonym for dumb and normal
by Muzania October 23, 2020
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