Some one stopped at a controlled intersection, with a green light thats on the phone and not paying attention and holding everyone behind them up.
Man I was late to work because of a traffic snoozer at 5th and main.
by DaCrushaa March 19, 2017
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When you get up in the morning and go to take a shit, but your boner keeps you from putting it in the toilet to not get pee everywhere.
"My day was off to a horrible star when I had a Morning Traffic Jam."
by ShadowKiller147 January 1, 2019
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A Russian traffic stop is when in a video game or irl if you are a true Slav you rush at a active enemy tank while shouting “urrrah urrrah” jump on top of it break the hatches open and kill the whole crew Stalin would be proud
Soviet soldier 1 do you see that panzer comrade ivan?
Ivan yes comrade

Rush that Cyka

*ivan does Russian traffic stop and impresses Stalin*
by Rushbcykablyat June 1, 2022
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When two men simultaneously penetrate each other during anal sex.
P1:"Man... that California traffic jam had me stuck in that one spot for hours."
P2:"I know I got stuck in one this morning, and it was great."
P1:"What???... both tunnels were full... in both directions."
P2:"I know... It almost made me late for work this morning."
P1:"What are you talking about? You live right across the street, you walk to work."
P2:"Wait... you're talking about a real traffic jam... never mind."
by D'Indah MaDeeque December 23, 2016
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when you're stuck in what was once a small town turned mini city like Las Vegas or DC without the bars, but instead replace w/ stores and restaraunts and misc crap shops which seems to be the only way people come and go from home thus causing heavy pointless traffic
South Hill is really trafficated today, these assholes wont let anyone in, the intersection is blocked and weve been sitting at this light at least 3 times.
by dirtybird loves batman November 6, 2007
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When a girl takes a shit and you proceed to fuck the girl with the shit on your dick.
That girl was freaky, she let me do a Wyoming traffic jam and now my dick burns.
by Whahzhxus November 19, 2017
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