A plant that mother nature blessed us with. It can be smoked out of a pipe, bong, or can be rolled into a joint. People make it out to be scary but you can't really get addicted to it unlike tobacco and alcohol and you smoke it to soothe stress and have a lil fun.
Person A: "Dude a just bought a bag of marijuana, wanna smoke some?"

Person B: "Shit yeah man lemme get a toke"
by Garden Beebo March 17, 2022
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That dank shit your parents smoke when youre at school. The thing that makes the world a better place
parent 1: Hey babe pass me that joint
Parent 2: Sure honey
Parent 1: (lights up joint) oh shit jimmys home toss the weed

parent 2: that joint was 20$ !
Parent 1: shit your right, just put it out and save it till that lil shithead son of ours goes to bed

Marijuana is made of a green plant that tastes great smells grest and feels great
by BootyEater69696969 March 21, 2018
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Legal in 23 states across the US. This plant has numerous names such as: Weed, etc. There are 2 main ways to receive Marijuana into your system. Smoking it and/or eating it. Marijuana can increase a person's appetite, make them feel tired, be more enthusiastic and happy,. Although smoking it can increase your chance of heart attack as it is known to increase heart rate while under the influence also known to kill brain cells this drug is medically is used for people with arthritis, wounded muscles, people with anorexia (unable to eat due to muscle failure) and so on so forth. In the world of drugs Marijuana has been the least worried drug about since of all the people needing the special plant. This drug cannot kill you, proven by scientists this drug has actually helped maintain a good handful of people to not hurt themselves and to be less shy. In my personal experience this drug is been believed to be more dangerous than news and others have it out there to be. In MY opinion if a person were to do this drug it would be better to eat it because there is no risk of lung cancer from eating it and will not kill brain cells on the other hand smoking will kill brain cells, increase chance of lung cancer
Marijuana is a drug scientifically proven to create a time period of felicity
by Street_Meanin' March 15, 2016
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Literally almost every definition in Urban Dictionary has something to do with it.
*Me searches up bakery*

definition: a place with marijuana is smoked.
me : the heck
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