To eat her box
Max: Hey, how is that new girl you're with?
Chase: Not bad, I can't wait to muck her clam.
by MuckerOfClams October 25, 2023
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an insult to say "fuck you" on dani's game (crab game, muck)
jeff: muck you all
jeff's god: wanna get ban?
by Lucas le caribou January 28, 2022
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A type of person who can be very stubborn and not like to do anything, can also sometimes be a good friend at times.
by GoldenFox1207 June 9, 2022
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A phrase used by Stephen King in 'Under the Dome' a more PC way of saying cluster F&%$!!!! discribes a situation like FUBAR or SNAFU
the snoclops guy..roch ny
after 911 the airports have turned into a cluster muck!
by snoclops June 13, 2012
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A person who is really into most if not all types of anal/ass play (see muck dugout). Not to be confused with "muck chucking" although the terms can be used interchangeably. Muck refers to mostly feces in this case but it surely is not limited to it (see muck chucking).
Person A: "Oh boy, he's waist deep in that tar pit, we should probably help and get him out before it's too late."
Person B: "You're right, you could say he is halfway to becoming a real Muck Daddy"
by pseudonyms are hard May 5, 2021
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The act of mucking ones arsehole.

(A female partners arsehole)
Dude... Jake was totally mucking her dugout lastnight!!! EW!

Dude i Muck dugout last night... for the first time... gross
by muckbarn April 18, 2011
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