A friendly guy in a van who offers treats such as candy.
"Hey kid, you want some candy?"
"Oh yes, thank you generous mister. You're such a kind Pedro!"
by click to edit September 1, 2020
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Pedro is the type of guy to be rejected and have no friends. People usually stay away from him.
Run away Pedro is coming!
by Truth no cap February 1, 2022
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A guy the height of a gnome
Hey look he,s a Pedro
by Jaimito054 October 18, 2021
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Pedro is a litle guy who's always sleepy. He got a huge dick, but he doesn't like to admit it. His ability to screw up is incredible.
Girl 1 : " Look, it's Pedro. He's got a really huge dick."

Girl 2 : " Really? He once sold heroin to my granny and she died."
by BigDguy November 24, 2021
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he is tall, smart, always gets good grades and is kinda gay, if you like a Pedro don't try date him since he can be psycopathic and abusive, and most times is gay.
don't be Pedro
by Pedro gay December 6, 2021
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A dumbass kid with glasses and a bean shaped birthmark on his face.
Hey look it's Pedro!
by ballsack69430 May 16, 2022
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A crazy mexican boy. He is often called thicc or stupid.
He is cool but his actions are questionable.
Best friends with stevan
Wow pedro really is mexican
by Donaldhumpylumpymexican September 8, 2020
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