similar to an Internet troll. These trolls stay in their vehicles randomly honking at people for the following reasons

1. Being judgmental

2. Being hypocritical

3. Getting a cheap laugh of the other person's expense

Following examples of honking

1. honking 4 times

2. honking lightly 2 times

3. Holding the horn for a period of time

4. Honking repeatedly
sitting at your car at an intersection and hearing a random honking sound of a honking troll to get your attention for no reason.
by Protoman00 September 11, 2010
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A fart. Expulsion of a loud and proud burst of wind from ones backside
Wow, that was a nasty ass rectul honk dude!
by Eeeny mo August 24, 2017
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You don't even wanna know what spider honking is
Guy 1: be careful, i think they spider honked your food
Guy 2: what's spider honking?
Guy 1: you don't even wanna know dude
Guy 2: *throws away his food*
by Grouperwooper January 1, 2021
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when someone says somthing you dont understand or when something happens and you dont know whats going on
person a: guys i just ate a rock it was so soft
person b: confused honking
by somegoose January 20, 2021
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A variation of the popular Among Us meme, "when the imposter is sus." Nig refers to a black person and honk refers to something squishy.
Person 1: Bro, look at that nig!
Person 2: Yeah, that's what happens when the nig is honk.
by kek or cringe? March 8, 2021
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