Expression used when one makes a mistake.
Oops-a-dilly! I spilt my drink!

by Natttiiie October 23, 2007
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The sound a rock makes if you skip it across ice... sounds like twaaaannnggnnggnngg
Did you hear that rock twang dilly?! That was awesome!
by lilanomie October 23, 2019
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making a phone call out of boredom or indecision; To dawdle or vacillate on the phone.
When my girlfriend is bored she will call me up and burn all my daytime minutes dilly-dialing.
by mike desmond November 19, 2007
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Any unusually shaped dick with a large amount of bumps and nubs on it usually due to genetic deformities or other disease.
Can be very large and long with an abnormally large head, but usually short, thick and bumpy.
The guys at the gym laugh at my Dilly Dick that's loaded with bumps, but that's fine because I'm banging all their girlfriends regularly and women love my pickle shaped dick.
by Ridge man February 16, 2018
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Pick-a-dilly is not only a London Underground train line, it is also a very important choice to be made in every man’s life
Hey man! Pick a dilly already!

Jamet, you need to pick a dilly.
by Lemonadia April 21, 2018
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If you are unable to joke about being a paedophile, you are one.
He won't joke about being a paedo, therefore under Dillys Law...he's a paedo
by Jamesrjbh May 20, 2019
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