A self-preservation tool that prevents a person being affected by douchebags and douchery
That douchebag's actions just broke through my douche dam and drowned me in abject douchery!
by Janofarc January 22, 2016
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someone who "moves douch" or pulls a "douch move"... in other words someone that fucked up bad or made an ass out of themselves.
Andrew's such a douch mover, he totally kissed my girlfriend at the party last night.

What a douch mover!
by Wachichi July 13, 2009
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The only thing that exceeds the amount of douoche in the doucheapotamus
I can't believe the way that guy is acting. He's gotta be the biggest douche I've ever seen.. In fact He's a douche whale.
by image969 December 31, 2008
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a person under the age of eleven or shorter than five foot four that is a complete douche.
by thefiness November 4, 2010
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Anyone who wears a Bluetooth ear piece, and/or drives like a fun

Is by default snobby, usually wearing a suit or a flat bill hat.
"That dude just cut me off."
"Yeah, look at him, he is on the phone because he's " douche-tooth.
by Kevly😉 May 20, 2016
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Enhanced pdf for legal documents executed remotely. Implies that the receiver is the last in the chain and is the “douche”. In vogue now during layoffs.
So that was it. A zoom call, accept the terms on douche-u-sign for severance and hit the road.
by SvenTY May 24, 2023
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A derigatory nickname for Donald Trump.
In a tweet yesterday, Douche l'Orange chastised yet another person who said something negative about him.
by Typo_Knig February 12, 2017
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