When a guy name Josh touches your testicles; Or when your girlfriend slaps them around and gets your hopes up.
Yeah manLindsey has totally been testicle joshin me lately.
by Horse Peen July 4, 2021
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When two dudes are fucking one woman and the scrotum from one of either bounce, graze, slap, knock, tag, etc., against the other pokers scrotum.
Hey man! Your balls are like wingnuts bouncing on a drum. When we were nailing her your balls and my balls were knocking hard and fast like a mad mother fucker pounding on a cheater's panic room. Too much testicle tag for me. I'm sorry, but your balls have got to go.
by Pony tank 69 March 28, 2021
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When, before an exam, one masturbates to clear the testicles, therefore clearing the mind.
When the prefect caught Timmy masturbating he asked what he was doing, Timmy replied, "Mind Clear Testicles Clear" "You can't simply do only one"
by K3YB0ARDASAURUS March 24, 2015
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when someone slaps youre testicles for youre arousal
dude last night betty gave me a testicle job
by Damen doggy January 21, 2017
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