Get off my six means to "Get off my back." as also referenced in watch my six.
person 1: "brooo this teacher won't get off my six!"
person 2: "I know he's a really tough teacher."
by the definer person February 10, 2019
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When a person take more time than necessary to do something.
When a person is parking for a long time:

-Hey Brad, are you going to park today or not? Kiss or get off the pot!
by The Rocha April 4, 2018
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when a person is talking to much about something they don't know about
kid 1: yeah the patriots are trash. patriots fan: ay watch your mouth boy get off my set kid
by superfleet April 26, 2022
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When you bone numerous raw dog sloots but manage to not get an std
Ginger bar wench: "did you see who Regan fucked last night? I'm surprised he didn't get aids"

Crippled rugby player: "he really got off Scott-free"
Getting off scott-free
by Wiley j September 29, 2017
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What da lecherous ex-Prez Willie C. managed to do **twice over** in the Monica Blewinsky case --- first, he was able to delightedly "get off" from Miss L's huge luscious smoochy lips' lovingly pleasuring his crooked wiener. And then when said sordid tryst "came back to haunt him" with a Congressional trial, he was able to "get off" without punishment, even though he obviously had done everything he'd been accused of. He was even able to keep his marriage intact.
I as a "common citizen" can get jailed for merely stealing a pack of gum, yet Bill Clinton didn't even get a slap on da wrist for majorly dallying with his intern (and who knows how many other women during his lifetime!), and he was a married man, to boot --- he could totally get off scot-free merely because he was da President at da time! What kind of convoluted nonsense --- not to mention an awful role-model for our nation's raging-hormones-steeped youth --- is THAT???
by QuacksO July 9, 2019
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Getting excited over the misery or fear of other people.
The politicians always getting off on the fact that they get away with murder.
by Doctor WTF May 11, 2022
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