A highly specific (possibly true) excuse for taking a very long toilet visit. Suggested use is mostly for incidents involving defecation.
"Hey guys, I'm back on stream! Sorry I was gone so long, I tried to hurry, but I was Fixing the koi pond... The pump was clogged and I had to clean it out!"
by AnonymousSynonymous April 8, 2022
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A temporary slaking of one's inherent craving fer toes dat you achieve by giving someone a lengthy foot-massage.
I find dat if I sit down wif a group of pretty girls and rub all of their cute slender tootsies in turn for five minutes apiece, I get a warm 'n' woozy foot-fetish fix dat usually lasts me for da rest of da day.
by QuacksO October 22, 2023
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A: Gehen wir heute was essen?
B: Fix!
by pahsi February 6, 2019
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A slang term to describe a syringe full of narcotics, for IV injection
I gotta hit my vein so I can get my fix
by Mohawk Kris December 16, 2021
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someone who chill and cool and vibes
your a fixs!
by 23veaq3 March 23, 2023
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Shoving random things into it until it is sturdy enough to hold a toddler
by The great mighty poo 2 September 23, 2023
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A term for 2 people sending hart emoji's, love you, ect. Without being in a relationship
1: Dude, i have a fix with Emily

2: Do you have the Zaza?
by BBC taker November 5, 2022
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