Virtual Venture Media Coin - VVMC is the BEP20 (BSC) token that aims to create a hedge and bridge between the physical world and the digital one. Only digital cryptocurrency backed by real assets is building the world-first Crypto Smart City in Cambodia.
VVM Coin is building the world-first crypto smart city.
by cryptoleader November 23, 2021
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Virtual Venture Media Coin is building the first crypto smart city in Cambodia, which will be working on private and safe blockchain.
by cryptoleader December 6, 2021
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So creepy that it could be the designated location of everything creepy
I don't want to carry that fake baby, it's major creep city.
by Natareee April 8, 2021
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When one procures Xanax and weed with the hopes of entering a "zooted" state where they will accomplish absolutely nothing except watching movie trailers and nodding off constantly for an entire weekend.
Hey Bro you want to head out and chase down some trim Friday night "Sorry Bro I'm not going out, I got two tickets to zoot city so next time I'm free is Monday morning.
by Peeta Bennett December 21, 2022
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A type of limerick for proclaiming that you own something. Something one would say when claiming an object or area. Particularly used by villains when spreading the news of a newly conquered city.
For example, when moving into a new apartment complex, at 2300 hours you may go onto your balcony and shake your hands at the air yelling "THE CITY IS MINE."
Mua HaHa... The City is Mine! (Insert Evil Laughter)
by pseudonymbowlingball April 17, 2023
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When a man is soooo drunk that he passes out naked on his back and eventually starts to piss, straight up in the air, spraying EVERYTHING in sight.
Guy: Bro, you wont believe it, this total slut took me home last night.
Friend: Noice! Do tell.
Guy: Well, I blacked out and came to with her screaming that I had let the "Iowa City firehose" loose on her.

Friend: Ha! Dooshkabob.
by Dictocracker April 5, 2018
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Splash City The Greatest Basketball Team Ever TO Step Foot in the pakenham ymca no team comes close to splash including those shitty globetrotter shit trucks who lost to splash in the grand final #splashed #them
Splash City Consists Of Star Players
Emmett #12
Jed #21 (also a member of the big three)
Jake #8 (also a member of the big three)
Jessee #9 (also a member of the big three)
Jayden #4
Dermie #10
Todd #7
Splashcity jed jake emmett jayden Splash City
by dysonhehehe21 May 6, 2013
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